Times Do Change

      Merry Christ-mas

I am Canadian by birth and have celebrated Christmas Holiday as the birth of Jesus Christ with family , friends , neighbours , and church community for as long as I can remember . The majority of Canadians and Americans statistically have been Christian . Both countries accepted immigrants over the years who freely practice their own faith ,which often is something other than Christianity. The prevailing theory practised was more along the lines of a melting pot of different nationalities ; the criminal laws of the country have to be followed by all ; other than the law codes , there is freedom to practice their own faith but traditionally  the holiday of Christmas was commercially celebrated as Jesus’s birth with decorated evergreen trees , gift giving representing the gifts given to baby Jesus . Most often a Christian church service in regard to Jesus’s birth is attended by practicing Christians , even if this is only one of a few attendances by some . This has been the major occurrence every December 25th plus weeks celebrating , around that date. For the past 2015 years A.D. stands chronologically for the number of years after Jesus Christ’s death . His birth occurred on Dec. 25 th  meaning it was approx. 2000 & some years Before Christ’s arrival ; so historically dates of historical times are either known as B.C. ( before Jesus’s birth) or A.D. (after His death ) .

So the celebration of Dec. 25 th is that of the birth of our Savior Jesus . As I have indicated those who have praised Jesus historically as our Savior ,Lord , and part of the Trinity of God are called Christians , in Canada and other countries . There are different denominations of Christians , but all of them believe in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour and His birthday on Dec. 25 . The biggest practiced religion in Ca., and U.S., is Christianity . Naturally practically every Christian celebrates the birth of Jesus on Dec.25, and have tried to give Cheers of Merry Christmas to spread joy to most everyone they meet . This has traditionally been the reason for the holiday of Dec. 25 th.

However we no longer are greeted by merchants in any store of sales or service place ; no longer do we hear Christmas in the greetings. Instead we hear Seasons Greetings or Happy Holidays or Peace & Joy for the New Year. I have said back a few times ” What Holiday ” & ” Which Season ” do you mean? I always say Merry Christmas , no matter how much they frown !

We have been celebrating in the traditional way for some 150 years in CA. There has never been a word of explanation why there has been this thorough complete change in the last two years.

If you are shopping for a nativity scene or outdoor lawn angel , good luck  ; trying to find Christmas cards reflecting the birth of whom we celebrate on Dec.25th . I ponder how such a change can be so widespread , when most people talk about this around Christmas , they ponder the same. It’s but an example of how major changes occurr and yet nobody was asked or even told about why this was done so unobtrusively .We may stop and ask where are these changes going to ; to what end will we find ourselves ? To think we have lost our national long held tradition of hundreds of years may seem small to some but the fact that we can only buy Santa Claus or glittery bulbs for decorations . Public places no longer don a nativity scene of Jesus’s birth in a manjor with Mother Mary, Joseph , or the Three Wise Men with presents for baby Jesus . Big national changes happen in small steps . How long will it be before religious practises of any kind will stop or wars over nothing happen ?

Wars will be as unclear about reasons for, as it is about why Jesus’s Birthday isn’t  regularly celebrated like it was ten or so years ago. Since there seems to be an inverse relationship to number of wars with the phasing out of Christian celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth .  We had best increase our faith in God less our whole world becomes soulless !

Where have all the Jobs Gone 

Once upon a time a high school diploma would get you a job , at least after beating the sidewalks for a month or so . Then it became a market  where you needed a degree and search the employment centre and streets for six months to a year to acquire a job not likely in your field nor in an hourly wage you could live on. Now a masters or a couple of degrees , (and a huge student loan in tow) if you’re born under a lucky star ,you may get a job in a year or two and it may actually be in one of your academic areas . However , by predictability rules one may end up taking any job in the minimum wage bracket since employers require years of experience as well as a university degree. Along with progress for the rich went higher interest rates on student loans from banks and bye bye to the days of government bursaries to poorly funded students.

All these great government policies , schemes , take backs , technology growth seem to have put employees back in the dark age , no matter how many hundreds of computers glitter in corporate big risers 

The biggest reason for this trend has been the elitist currency holders and the government planners who at first started hiring efficiency experts . These experts who were highly paid to figure out the least number of workers needed to accomplish the most amount of work humanly possible in a day. More and more geniuses came up with systems of technical components that would be able to do the work of all the people laid off . Sometimes we call this industrial accomplishment or progress ; but progress for the rich elitists and government ideals or for the unemployed and underpaid . One of the best magical tricks was the labor board and government policy of full time/part time hiring . This ensured no benefits such as health care or over time wages only went to regular full time employees. However with prolific corporate earnings and government greed the idea of hiring regular full time employees would become an almost alien phrase .

This policy of only hiring full time / part time workers is the name of the game in CA for sure ; other countries including CA have another little scheme . This is known as exporting jobs to other lower paid countries. Then just to put our graduates at an even worse situation government paid positions like councillors , teachers , nurses , Drs and social workers are unable to be hired as government budgets are always being cut . This may sound cynical but there doesn’t seem to be any kind of watch dog for the elite or government. In short I have to wonder whom progress and monetary assets benefit ? I guess the lower to middle classes have been the ones who are economically regressing. Things are always changing but it would seem more fitting when progress was thought to be for the greater good of all.


Bob the Man has come penniless from working such places as The White Stallion , a speakeasy place in New York . His pay consisted of what customers put in the entertainer’s hats , they often wore big hats lol . Dylan sang because he had a dieing heartfelt need to ; and not for riches. His songwriting from day one was to write songs of images somewhat poetic  but always of substance. He has only ever had 1 false note which he changed to the snow was KEEN in his famous song of a monstrous dream of war ; as real as it could be ( my father was a WW  ll wounded verteran fr front lines ). Unfortunately I forget the title but those who follow his repertoire will know.

It is only a genius songwriter with an iconic voice and a mind of his own following that can reach the accolades , awards galore ,including the biggest honour, one can achieve “The Pulitzer Prize ” ( long over due ) for changing songwriting into a breakout form of Literature . This is what makes a man a man in music or whatever, to follow your own mind ; be nobodies puppet . This Bob more than achieved throuout four decades ! Yes he is the man but not to write that lightly for he has worked harder and longer hours than most . He has undoubtedly made sacrifices and had ghosts follow him from his past. He is only human and sometimes those crosses were heavy, I am sure ! But after all is said and done the only thing to do was crawl out of that big black hole , to steal a line from one of his songs . He is from God ‘s chosen ones ; but I know he’d reject any title . He is a very humble person who expects the same privacy most of us do . Let us all at least (Media) give him that, he has given the world his gift , at a price I am sure !!



I can’t help myself – when I go to record stores, sooner or later I find myself in the Bob Dylan section. Seems reasonable, but I’m usually trying to spot if they have one of my least favorite albums of his: Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits. Problem is, I already own it. Three times. If they have a copy, I quickly open its dusty side pocket to see if I’m bringing another one home with me. I can’t help myself.

In 1967, when Columbia Records released the album each copy was accompanied by a beautiful poster designed by Milton Glaser. It’s rare to see one still slipped inside an old copy, but when it happens I bring it home. I really love this poster and have looked at it a lot. Two full sized copies are framed in my living room, next to each other. When people come over…

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Gradual Changes In Society Evasive

Telecommunication progress is happening as fast as slight of hand
One instrument of change is the cell phone with all the new seemingly small changes in symbols with a newer model .Only to find out , these tiny new markings carry such capabilities that if your finger flicks it by error you may end up leaving an unusually interesting news  item feeling lost in a rating system either of the app. you find your screen on and don’t know where the heck you are.            Although many use and graduate to these many brand updates seemingly easy . I for one would have to honestly admit to studying up on topics and new features that have added new can do’s twice a year or more .However don’t admit openly to your quandaries on Twitter ,or any social media ; you may suffer worldwide witticism . Now I am not a non reader and strongly suspect most haven’t stood to be counted . 

  • One day I carried a flip phone , and some years latter, had a small computer with complexities galore in my hand. Never seen this coming to quite the magnitude it has. I guess that’s how evasively society changes , while your sleeping ! 

    Nancerobins Phasing Out People’s Choice And Freedom

    Thanks for the comments on neutrality . A very imp choice that I will support. The world seems to be gradually phasing out the everyday shall I say norms , or choice in fav. of the pegging system where everyone is blinded , under others’ pressured control .

    A fine WordPress.com site